Monday, October 12, 2009

The Stages of Courtly Love

The Stages of Courtly Love
1. Always be yourself. Do not change who you are to impress someone you like because your not being true to who you are. The person should accept your personality.

2. Be honest. Lying is never good and it shows the person that they cannot trust you. Show the person that they can trust you and what ever you say to them is genuine. Trust can lead to a good relationship.

3. If you fall in love make sure the feeling is mutual. Make sure the person feels the same way you feel about them.

4. Do not be too serious. Always show the person that you are mature without being boring. Be enthusiastic and know how to joke around at the right time.

5. Communicate openly. Be open with the person so that they find out your character without asking direct questions. It is not always good to hold your guard up.

6.Being respectful. What you say and do should be polite. Show that you care about making them happy.

7. Be careful not to say things that will be misconstrued. Pay attention to conversations that may be affensive.

8. Do let there be an akward situation between you and the person.

9. Give the person compliments to make them feel good about themselves. Compliments show that you have an attraction towards that person.

10. Always follow your heart because your heart is always right. Let your heart lead you to the person you love.

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