Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Essential #2

Discuss biblical allusion and religious symbolism in Beowulf.

In Beowulf God is seen a the ultimate protector. Thanks and praise is always given to God when something good has happened. When Beowulf defeated Grendel, Hrothgar gave thanks to God. "Let us give thanks at once to God Almighty for this sight. I have undergone many afflictions, grievous outrages at Grendel's hands;....."(915-917). The characters in the book never give themselves praise without acknowledging God's almighty power to save them. Beowulf knew that God was in control of his life and successes; he knew God could change his fate. The belief that God assited and supported them was always remembered, ".....but Geat remembered his vast strength, that glorious gift given him to God, and put his trust for support and assistance in the grace of the Lord; thus he overcame the envoy of hell...."(1259-1263). Grendel symbolizes the devil and is oftern referred as Cain (murderer of Abel). Grendel was the epitome of sin so he was not saved by God like characters like Hrothgar. God always intervened and set good over evil

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