Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beowulf: Essential #1

Essential #1: What are the social obligations of a hero? Is Beowulf aware of his deification process?

The social obligations of a hero are bravery and willingness to dedicate to the people. A hero is characterized by his ability to help his community. When Beowulf hears about the destruction Grendel has caused, he immediately decides to make a voyage with his strongest men to defeat Grendel. Beowulf's bravery was praised, "I've never set eyes on a more noble man, a warrior in armor, than one among your band; he's no mere retainer..."(Line 244-247). There is alot of expectations that a hero has to execute. Beowulf's exchanges brave words which makes his portrayal of bravery more prominent. "...-one whose mind is keen-must perceive the difference between words and deeds."(284,285). Traveling to the Danes was done by free will, so Beowulf wants to show his obligation to his people.Beowulf is aware of his deification process because he knows that has to follow after his ascendants. Although I beileve that Beowulf lacks humility becasue he is very boastful. I beileve he needs humility to become a God.

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