Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Essential #4

Where do we see the seduction and lust start to destroy Gawain, What is the author trying to tell us?
In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight we see seduction and lust start to destroy Gawain when he is welcomed into the castle and lays his eyes on the women. He is seduced by the women and allows his temptation to destroy him. We see that Gawain cannot resist the host's wife and asks on his own impulses. I think that the castle symbolizes the garden of Eden and Sir Gawain represents Adam where he is tempted by woman. Gawain allows his lust to get in the way of his spirituality because of his sexual desire for the host's wife. The host said that Gaiwan has give him all that he has earned in the house, this might destroy Gawain and leave him with serious consequences. I think the author is trying to tell us that Gawain's lust and seduction will be his downfall throughout the story and will lead him to more challenges.

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